Safe driving written program

Safe driving policy

Affected employees must have a current, valid employee’s license for the state in which the employee performs his or her operating duties and must have at a minimum, state mandated levels of auto insurance or otherwise remain insurable under our company’s liability insurance policy.

Any employee operating a company vehicle or otherwise operating on company business must observe all safety, traffic, and criminal laws of this state. As such, no employee may consume alcohol or use non-prescribed or other illegal drugs while operating a company vehicle, while operating a personal vehicle on company business, or prior to the employee’s shift if such consumption would result in a detectable amount of illegal drug/alcohol being present in the employee’s system while on duty.


This article is provided solely as a reference tool to be used for information purposes only. The information in this article shall not be construed or interpreted as providing legal or any other advice. The information material does not amend the provisions of any insurance policy issued by CompSource Mutual. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy provisions, and any applicable law.

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