Silica safety talk

The following tips and guidelines will help minimize the exposure to respirable crystalline silica:
• Develop a written control plan that includes work preparation, monitoring requirements for workers, respiratory
protection requirements, a process for decontamination, hygiene requirements and inspection plan
• Establish a training program for all employees and management team; have a method to alert of anticipated sources and locations of silica exposures, control measures in place including respiratory protection requirements and actions to reduce exposures
• Provide formalized training for employees and subcontractors include JSA, pre-work safety meeting roundup and
method to minimize exposure including proper care for respirators
• Post NIOSH signage in work areas, e.g., “Respiratory Protection Required” and “Potential Silica Exposure”
• Limit work areas to essential personnel only
• Ensure workers are trained and comply with respiratory protection program as outlined by OSHA
• Train and require exposed employees to wash or use a damp cloth to clean hands and face before eating, drinking,
smoking or leaving work location
• Train affected employees on how to remove contaminated clothing and PPE after their work shift
• Establish housekeeping measures to clean enclosed work area that has become contaminated with silica dust using a HEPA vacuum or wet based cleaning method

Additional information is available though the following organizations:
National STEPS Networks
The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)


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