Material handling auto body jack and lifts

Material handling-auto body jacks and lifts toolbox topic

Working beneath a vehicle is often required to check for faults, servicing or repairs. Because these tasks are so common, people may get used to the fact they are working beneath potentially lethal weights.

Whether working on vehicles while at work or at home, there are dangers with motor vehicle servicing or repair. Safety is of utmost importance. Here are some basic safety precautions to remember:

  • Make sure the vehicle is in “park” before beginning service or repair work.
  • Use wheel blocks to chock the wheels of any vehicle on a runway lift while performing maintenance on said vehicle.
  • Use stands on hard, level surfaces.
  • When working beneath a vehicle, always use jack or axle stands to support the vehicle; you should never rely on the jack as sole-support.
  • Always use a jack stand that is properly rated for the load in question.
  • Support systems, such as jacks and axle stands, should be in good condition and inspected every year.

Make sure the vehicle cannot become energized. This can be done by removing the keys from the ignition source while performing maintenance work.



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