Home health checklist slips trips falls
- Wear durable, closed-toe, non-slip sole shoes. *During client bathing, wear rain boots with a non-slip sole for superior traction.
- If available, use a non-slip bathmat just outside of the tub/shower. This will aid in minimizing the chance of the client slipping on the wet floor.
- Be conscious of area weather and any potential wet or icy conditions outside.
- Scan for clutter on the floor, such as clothes, electrical cords, boxes, pet toys, etc.
- Be aware of the presence of any pets, such as cats or dogs that may enter your walking path without notice.
- Identify any restricted spaces due to furniture or other objects.
- Be observant of changes in ground/floor elevation, such as a step or ramp. Use handrails if available.
- Look for signs of liquid, grease, or other slick materials that may be on the floor. Clean and dry the area immediately if present.
- Watch out for frayed carpets or rugs that are bunched up or rolled at the edges. *Use double-sided tape to secure rugs if the client grants you permission to do so.
- Turn on interior lights before entering dark rooms and turn on exterior lights prior to exiting the home.