Doing work overhead safety talk

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Trabajos por encima de la cabeza – CompSource Mutual

The act of reaching overhead repeatedly can lead to injury. This is required at times when working from a ladder such as when installing gutters. There are steps that can be taken to eliminate these types of injuries.

Tips to keep in mind:

  • Whenever possible keep work at eye level rather than above your head with neck tilted back
  • If heavy tools must be used to do the job, ready the work area as much as possible and minimize the time spent working with the tool
  • If the work requires twisting or getting into an awkward position to do, consider using a lift or scaffolding to gain better and more safe access to the area
  • Stretching exercises should be done before overhead work begins and frequent breaks should be taken
  • Vary work methods and positioning frequently
  • Choose the best and most efficient tool for the job
  • Take a break if feeling strain or fatigue
  • If working from a ladder, keep the body’s center of gravity in the middle of the ladder not reaching too far


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