Housekeeping in Childcare Safety Talk

Housekeeping in Childcare Safety Talk

Maintaining a clean and orderly work environment helps to prevent accidents, injuries and illnesses, including childcare facilities. It can also assist in creating a positive work environment for employees.

Let us cover some best practices regarding good housekeeping procedures:

Daily responsibilities:

  • Cleaning classrooms, equipment, and restrooms
  • Keeping classrooms neat and tidy
  • Any spill should be cleaned up immediately
  • Sweep floors after meals, snacks, and as needed throughout the day
  • Keep floors neat and tidy, free of debris or items that might cause a slip, trip or fall
  • Keep chairs pushed in and other furniture in its proper place to prevents tripping hazards

Weekly (and as necessary) responsibilities:

  • Vacuum carpeting and mats
  • Wipe down nap mats or cots
  • Sanitizing linens and sheets
  • Wipe down classroom tables and chairs

Responsibilities specific to kitchen operations:

  • Clean cupboards and drawers at least monthly
  • Wipe down cupboard doors at least monthly
  • Clean open shelving monthly
  • Clean the refrigerator weekly and dispose of expired food or leftovers
  • Disinfect surfaces daily
  • Sweep floors throughout the day
  • Mop daily

Everyone plays a part in housekeeping for their assigned work area. Ensuring employees understand their individual responsibilities helps to break up the tasks and make good housekeeping achievable. A clean workplace is a safe workplace.


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