Trucking Related Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, trips and falls are the highest occurring injuries across all industries, including trucking. Something as simple
as entering and exiting the truck cab can put you at risk for a serious injury.

Below are some tips to avoid these common injuries.

Loading dock safety:

• Ensure locking devices are in place each time you begin to unload at a dock
• Be mindful of marked and unmarked walkways, barriers, parking blocks and doorways that could be a trip hazard
• Make sure available barricades are in place on the edges of the dock
• When barricades are not available note the areas and avoid getting too close to the edge
• Do not take part in dock jumping which can lead to knee, ankle and back injury
• Ensure that dock plates or boards are in good condition and are intended for the load amounts that will be used


• Ensure docking areas have good housekeeping
• Inspect truck/trailer floors before loading or unloading
• Watch out for areas of concern such as oil spots, broken pallets, debris and loose or missing handrails
• Take time to pick up/clean the area if needed before loading or unloading

3 Points of Contact:
• Use the 3 points of contact when entering or exiting the cab or trailer (using two feet and one hand or two hands and one foot at a given time)
• Always use designated railing and steps
• Use 3 points of contact when climbing onto a tarped load; when possible use a fall restraint system


This article is provided solely as a reference tool to be used for information purposes only. The information in this article shall not be construed or interpreted as providing legal or any other advice. The information material does not amend the provisions of any insurance policy issued by CompSource Mutual. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy provisions, and any applicable law.

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