Auto Asbestos Awareness Written Program
Click the download button to view the complete written program for Auto Asbestos Awareness. This document can be edited to…
Workplace Violence Written Program
Click the download button to view the complete sample written program on workplace violence.
Fire Protection Written Program
Click the download button to view the complete written program on fire protection that can be customized to any operations….
Housekeeping safety talk
What is the purpose of workplace housekeeping? Poor housekeeping can be a cause of accidents, such as: tripping over loose…
Fire Prevention and Protection Safety Talk
Every company has the responsibility to ensure that their employees can safely evacuate. It is each employee’s job to know…
Flammable Liquids Safety Talk
Flammable liquids are those in your work area that will instantly ignite due to the vapor given off when opened….
Eyewash Station Safety Talk
Para ver en español, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: Proper safety eyewear such as safety glasses, goggles or face…
First Aid Readiness Safety Talk
Para ver en español, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: Here we will talk about the basics of being prepared…
Hazard Recognition – Energy Wheel Safety Talk
Hazard recognition can be a daunting task when working to identify hazards in any industry. Even the most experienced employee…
Tow Strap Safety
When towing or recovering vehicles, tow straps should be used, but they can pose potential risks if not used correctly….
Importance of Heavy Equipment Safety
The operator of heavy equipment and those who work around it face both power and danger. The size, weight, and…
Loading and Unloading of Trailers Safety Talk
Although loading or unloading a trailer can be straightforward, several of factors must be considered. The preparation of…